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Developer / Publisher:
Little Green Men Games
Based in Zagreb, Croatia
Early Access Release date:
September 5, 2019
Gold Release ETA:
November 5, 2020
PC & XBOX (ETA 2021)
EUR €29,99

Fight, loot, explore and craft in the living open world of Starpoint Gemini 3. Assemble your trusty ship and boost your RPG skills to face all challenges.
Little Green Men Games was founded by three brothers Mario, Tomislav and Danijel, together with a programmer Zeljko. After years of modding games, it just wasn’t enough, so a plan to make a whole new game on a custom in-house engine was born.
Fourteen years laters, LGM Games have 3 full released titles on PC and XBOX, with fourth currently in Early Access programme on Steam and awaiting its full release.
As always, LGM Games still cherish that inner child and always experiment with new features, new angles to gameplay and their own franchise ever creating something new and different in the genre.
As a result, Starpoint Gemini 3 is also different from its predecessors in taking a different approach to a game. Unlike previous titles, here we play as a “normal dude”, not an epic chosen hero from the very start making the story predictive. The idea behind is for a player to immerse and see the character grow as game goes on both as a human and as a unsuspected heroic figure of sorts.
The largest game universe in the Starpoint Gemini series spanning three different planetary systems
Adrenaline-pumping, action-packed space combat that allows distinct play-styles and on-the-fly weapon switching
A complete set of RPG skills to boost the player's capabilities
Modular ship upgrading system and capital ships
Command a massive capital ship and show your enemies who's the boss
Crafting system that allows the player to create new items and weapons to sell or use
A variety of available activities including mining valuable materials and exploring the vast hand-made non-generic universe
A unique chance to explore the shocking truth about the other imperial colonies and the fate of alien races
A large variety of characters with unique personalities, different questlines and factions
An engaging storyline written by Darko Macan, an official writer for numerous Star Wars and Marvel comics
A unique digital companion, ADAH, that assist the player in uncovering Bold's shady origins
Detailed interiors on different planets; visit them all!




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